Friday, June 26, 2009

Preparing My Heart

Today our team packed three suitcases full of dictionaries, reading books, markers, crayons, and color pencils. We are also bringing coloring books, stickers, hair bands--and my sister is sending me up beach balls which will be easy to pack. I think the beach balls will be a big hit! Great idea, Sue!

We have been reading a book called, “Prepare your Heart.” It’s a short-term mission preparation guide with Bible studies. I have found this to be a wonderful reminder on the joy of serving and serving with a true servant’s heart.

My dissertation when I was completing my Masters degree in education was about culture in the workplace and the importance of appreciating, respecting, and understanding other cultures. I have taught cultural and economic diversity; but, to be honest I haven’t experienced many other cultures.

God has His reasons why I am going on this trip. I’m not sure what they all are but I want to be as emotionally and spiritually prepared as I can be. This guide was a good reminder about being sensitive to others, going with the flow, being a good guest, and opening my heart.

It will be interesting to see how I handle stepping into another culture, facing customs I see as so different from my own, missing the conveniences I am used to, not being able to have a conversation with someone because of my lack of Spanish skills….

I think this experience will test my true self. God continues to grow me.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for you to share all of your wonderful experiences with us! You will have an amazing time.
