Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fire trucks,ambulance, and police car Oh My!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our hotel does not have internet and this is the first time I have had a chance to blog. I have a short time and then need to share. We got to the Chicago hotel with no problem. Traffic was great going west. Bumper to bumper heading east. We ate and then decided to get to bed since we had to get up at 500 AM.100 am the fire alarm went off. I peeked out the door and so was everyone else. We all headed out of the hotel and then the emergency vehicles came. We still don´t know what triggered the alarm. About 20 minutes and we were back in our room. Morning came.

You know how you get three little bottles (shampoo, conditioner, and lotion). Well I didn´t have my glasses on and so washed my hair and decided to condition it with lotion....I guess my hair was extra soft that day. The flights were long but no problems. William met us at the airport. He is the son of Martha. What surprised me was there was no military when we got off. We had to take two taxis. We had so much luggage. Plus I found out that the cars run on natural gas and gasoline so a tank is in the trunk. The ride to the hotel was very interesting. The road was bumper to bumper filled with taxis and busses and carts and horses and motor bikes and pedestrians. Continuous honking takes place as everyone vies for position. I was expecting more of a tourist town with pockets of poverty. All I saw was poverty. Everywhere. Graffiti on walls, garbage everywhere. I´m guessing the laws for littering is not the same as the U.S

I am going to share this blog with Jackie and Dave and we´ll sign our names at the end so you know who is blogging. Time for me to share the computer.Miss all of you.

Love Lori

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm glad you made it ok, we were just talking about you! I can't believe the fire alarm went off, just typical. Take care and keep writing!
