Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We started our day with a breakfast meeting and devotions. We were picked up by our friend, Walter. He drove us to the school where we began our work around 9:30.
Riding in a taxi is a real test of faith. One does not know where to look; cars, buses. motorcycles are everywhere!!!!!! Lots of horn honking The speed bumps are huge, often times almost taking out the bottom of the car.

Today we were actually able to do some work. We scraped some windows bars and then were given the task of painting them first with special paint to prevent corrosion and then tomorrow we will paint with white paint. Dave was able to get some photos of the roof for the work of the next team coming in Jan. to install some water hook=ups.

The team from YWAM arrived today. We thought we would be working with some kids from Switzerland, but discovered that that was the location of where their training took place. These young people are mainly from Korea. One of their leaders is from England. We ate a delicious lunch with them and then we returned to our work. I think within these next couple of days we´ll be having more contact with them.

Martha and Jose arrived back from their adventure to the Choco region. There is definitely a story to tell about that, but there is not time to go into it now. That will have to be for another time. What marvelous people we have met!!!! The love they have for our Lord is incredible!! Martha is the executive director of the Colombian IN Network ministries, Jose is her husband!!


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