Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Monday we got a tour of the school and were able to learn so much more about the school, staff, and processes. It was very helpful to Dave and me to bring back to I.N. Network. There are three buildings. One is where there is a program for little children younger than school age. Across from this building is the main building that houses some offices and has classrooms. This building is three stories. The other building is right next door. That is the building that was damaged by the hurricane. The church is on the first floor and the top floor used to be classrooms for the high school kids. They are just now starting to work on this building. A lot of supplies were delivered today (Tuesday). The classrooms are small and chairs are old. They do have a computer room that we are in right now blogging. There are five computers. The classrooms have been painted by the children to brighten them up. The school is not how you think of a school. Cement and bricks...everything locked up with gates b-c of theft. But I was so touched with the love from the staff.

We got to spend some time with the little ones. How sweet and well behaved they were. You can tell they are very well loved. I started taking pics and showing them their picture and then of course EVERYONE wanted THEIR pic taken. So Dave, Jackie, and I did that for a while. What fun they had.

We began to serve them their lunch but the health department came unexpectedly. It´s an audit like non profits have but they were supposed to come last week and never showed and they showed up today which totally changed our plans.

Both William and Ida were busy with them all afternoon. We spent time sitting in the shade and taking measurements for Aquascape. Aquascape is bringing a team in January to put in a water catchment system for the school. I can tell you by first hand experience, this school needs water.

We watched the little ones get picked up. We played with them while they waited. These children live up to 2 miles away. Grandma picked one up by foot. Brother picked one up on bike and she knew just what to do jumping up and riding side saddle. Dad or uncle picked one up in the motorbike-carriage. All kinds of transportation.

We went to lunch and I had bugs in mine so didn´t really have an appetite. For dinner when we left, we grabbed sandwiches and fries (I was hungry!) and we ate at the courtyard where we have bfast. I saw a rat run across the shelf overhead. From there he can jump down or up into our hotel lobby. Ok. Not hungry anymore.


I am finding you never know what the day will bring. Jackie is blogging about Tuesday. We painted the church all day today.



  1. love the news, love picturing you there, love that the internet works...even if it is hard to find

  2. Wow!! I am glad you took lots of pictures of the school. I can't wait to see them. Ooh Lori, I hope you are eating something. I am sure you will be eating off our unwashed silverware here in no time, its no big deal when you are worried about bus and rats!
