Sunday, July 12, 2009


We have had a hard time getting on the internet and when we do it´s for a short time or we can´t get pics to upload. We are paying for internet time right now at a store.

Church today was very emotional for me. We had people in church who were Colombian, Korean, English, and American. They put words up on the overhead in English and they were songs we ALL knew so just imagine songs being sung in three different languages. It was amazing and very moving. Then our Korean friends did some dance and singing (Beautiful) and they also did the service. In order for everyone to understand scripture and the message first the young man would say a sentence or two in Korean, a Korean young lady translated into English, and the Spanish translater translated it into Spanish. It was a good message. Very good. It took a while to get through it, but it was amazing just to witness cultures getting together to praise God. We had communion, an infant was dedicated, and when there was a lot of prayer. I cried at points throughout the service because I was so overwhelmed with the energy in the room. I truly felt God´s presence.

Then we walked for I´m guessing a half a mile to Martha´s and Jose´s and enjoyed the afternoon with them. She cooked a wonderful meal. They brought out plates and vases the Choco tribe have made and the three Choco girls who live with them brought out necklaces and bracelets they have made. Beautiful artwork. They sell them and give them money back to the tribes. Again, it was wonderful spending time with their family. It was hard saying goodbye today.

There is so much I want to share and will continue to do so when I get home and I have the luxury of the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Lori, thank you for sharing stories and pictures. What an experience for your senses as well as your heart. You will never be the same again.
